got our results was kinda cool! our level sustained the band 1 thingy for the sch and we got even higher! congrats crescent! hahaha. but they say it'll be even more stressful for the sec 3s. dont wry u all can do it!
anw, at the sch's foyer they put up the top 80 in sch, im the 50!! i thought i wont be in there cus theres like 80 ppl who got 6 pts, but they go by no. of A1s instead. hope i can get gold award on speech day!!
yep anw went for the amazing race thing. it was really..AMAZING! but not race. hahaha
our class sent 2 groups and it was an informal class gathering sort of thing, really fun! only 4 groups take part, and we won the 3rd and 4th place!!!!! hahahaha. know why? we couldnt decipher the 1st clue, so spent like 1 hr to reach the 1st stn, and so by the time we're going to the 4th stn we knew we were already the last 2, so we gave up and went to eat old chang kee -.-
hahaha. so we reach our next destination 2 hours later than the previous groups! must really thank the stn masters for their patience. our class's uncertainty was +/-2 hrs. then knowing that we're already the last, we slacked like siao, din even bother running. and ate icecream!!
ohoh and in one of the stns we had to drink a drink with 100plus, wasabi, chilli seeds, , salt water and some other dunno what thing. it tasted like garlic!! oh man, and we have to eat one who chilli on its own, so obviously we took out all the seeds, hahaha. finally!! we did a dance at the esplanade there beside the merlion, gavin was leading the dance. it was super stupid omg!! hahaha.u can see it on mon during assembly if they really decide to show it to the whole
after that we slacked ard in esplanade. talked for like 1 hr.hahahaha.had katong laksa for dinner then went home, im super tired!!

our 1st clue, jew-wrong east!

one of the info we had to find in science ctr. hahaha

this is our team with the water valve outside sci ctr! and gavin joined in.

gavin is sleepy.

we're not! lol

pris and huihong!

our bonus photo!

with one of the pic we have to take!


cool eh. hahaha.

the next stn masters are waiting for us and here we are taking photo!!